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What is Unminification?

Unminification is a process of reversing the minification process that is applied to reduce the file size of various web-based technologies such as JavaScript (JS), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), and Extensible Markup Language (XML). When developers optimize the file size of these technologies by removing unnecessary characters such as white spaces, comments, and line breaks, it is called minification. Unminification is the process of reversing the minification to restore the original code of the technology.

The benefits of minification are significant. A smaller file size means faster loading times, reduced bandwidth usage, and better website performance. However, minified code can be difficult to read and modify. Therefore, developers may need to unminify the code to understand the original structure of the code, make changes, and debug it.

Unminification is also useful for learning and education purposes. It helps beginners to understand the code structure and syntax. Moreover, it is a useful technique for plagiarism detection as it can help to identify the original source code of a web page.

In this article, we will discuss how to unminify JS, CSS, HTML, JSON, and XML files.

Unminifying JavaScript (JS)

JavaScript is a popular scripting language used for creating interactive web pages. The process of minifying JavaScript code involves removing white spaces, line breaks, and comments. This can make it difficult to read and debug the code. To unminify JS, you can use a variety of tools, including online tools and IDE plugins.

One popular online tool for unminifying JS is Javascript Formatter Online. This tool allows you to unminify and beautify JS code by pasting the minified code into the input box and clicking the "Format JS" button. The output will be the unminified code, formatted with proper indentation, line breaks, and comments.

Another tool that can be used to unminify JS code is the Atom IDE with the Atom-Beautify plugin. This plugin provides a range of options to customize the formatting of the unminified code. To unminify JS code using Atom, you need to open the file in the Atom editor and click the "Packages" menu item, then select "Atom-Beautify," and click "Beautify Editor."

Unminifying Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a language used for describing the presentation of web pages. Like JS, CSS can be minified to reduce its file size. Minification involves removing white spaces, comments, and line breaks. However, it can make the code difficult to read and modify. To unminify CSS, there are several tools available online, such as CSS beautifier, CSS prettify, and others.

One popular tool for unminifying CSS is CSS Formatter Online. To use this tool, paste the minified CSS code into the input box and click the "Format CSS" button. The output will be the unminified CSS code, formatted with proper indentation, line breaks, and comments.

Another tool for unminifying CSS is the Sublime Text editor with the Pretty CSS plugin. To use this plugin, you need to install it by going to the "Package Control" menu item and selecting "Install Package." Once installed, you can unminify CSS code by selecting the code in the editor and pressing the "Ctrl+Shift+H" keyboard shortcut.

Unminifying Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is a markup language used for creating web pages. Like CSS and JS, HTML can be minified to reduce its file size. Minification involves removing unnecessary characters such as white spaces, line breaks, and comments. However, it can make the code difficult to read and modify. To unminify HTML, there are several tools available online and offline.

One popular online tool for unminifying HTML is HTML Formatter Online. This tool allows you to paste the minified HTML code into the input box and click the "Format HTML" button. The output will be the unminified HTML code, formatted with proper indentation, line breaks, and comments.

Another tool for unminifying HTML is the Notepad++ editor with the HTML Tidy plugin. To use this plugin, you need to install it by going to the "Plugin Manager" menu item and selecting "Show Plugin Manager." Once installed, you can unminify HTML code by selecting the code in the editor and clicking the "Plugins" menu item, then selecting "HTML Tidy," and clicking "Tidy HTML."

Unminifying JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a lightweight data interchange format used for transmitting data between a server and a client. JSON can be minified to reduce its file size. Minification involves removing white spaces, line breaks, and comments. To unminify JSON, there are several tools available online and offline.

One popular online tool for unminifying JSON is JSON Formatter Online. This tool allows you to paste the minified JSON code into the input box and click the "Format JSON" button. The output will be the unminified JSON code, formatted with proper indentation, line breaks, and comments.

Another tool for unminifying JSON is the Visual Studio Code editor with the Prettify JSON plugin. To use this plugin, you need to install it by going to the "Extensions" menu item and searching for "Prettify JSON." Once installed, you can unminify JSON code by selecting the code in the editor and pressing the "Shift+Alt+F" keyboard shortcut.

Unminifying Extensible Markup Language (XML)

Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a markup language used for describing data. Like HTML, CSS, and JS, XML can be minified to reduce its file size. Minification involves removing unnecessary characters such as white spaces, line breaks, and comments. To unminify XML, there are several tools available online and offline.

One popular online tool for unminifying XML is XML Formatter Online. This tool allows you to paste the minified XML code into the input box and click the "Format XML" button. The output will be the unminified XML code, formatted with proper indentation, line breaks, and comments.

Another tool for unminifying XML is the Eclipse IDE with the XML editor plugin. To use this plugin, you need to install it by going to the "Help" menu item and selecting "Eclipse Marketplace." Once installed, you can unminify XML code by opening the file in the Eclipse editor and clicking the "XML" menu item, then selecting "Format."


Unminification is a useful technique for developers and learners to understand, modify, and debug code. It helps to restore the original structure of the code by adding proper indentation, line breaks, and comments. There are several tools available for unminifying JS, CSS, HTML, JSON, and XML, both online and offline. Developers can choose the tool that best suits their needs and preferences.

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